Monday, September 24, 2012

Blog Post #4

Langwitches Podcasting with 1st Grade

Ms. Tolisano and her 1st grade class podcasting was very interesting. She based her podcast on two main characters Jack and Annie from a book called Vacation under the Volcano. Every student had partaken a part in the class podcast; little by little they got the podcast finished. As they tried over and over again until they finally got their sentences together they decided not to read off the script anymore. There are many different kinds of skills presented in this podcast post; listening, storytelling, voice acting, technology and so many more.
They did a wonderful job on their podcast. I applaud the teacher for a job well done with her students. I really like how she shared their accomplishments with the world, because not only is she being recognize for a job well done but her students are as well.

The Benefits of Podcasting in the Classroom
The video provided many helpful information and also gives a better understanding of how it works. Mr. Dale did an excellent job with his students and getting them more interactive with technology as well as their school work. He also teaches them how to be creative and allows parents to be aware of what’s going on in school. Some more benefits are; it can offer distance learning opportunities for absent students, students can record role plays in character making their learning more memorable and a lot more exciting things.
I personally found this blog post to be one of my favorite post. Mr. Dale was so helpful. One thing I love is how, with podcast you can listen to it no matter where you are at. Its a great way to study and always have it fresh on a child mine.
If only schools took the time to use this technology, then maybe students grades will improve. I think that podcasts has the ability help the way students learn.


  1. "The video provided many helpful information" much not many

    "As they tried over and over again until they finally got their sentences together they decided not to read off the script anymore." This would be much better: They tried over and over again until they finally got their sentences together. Then they decided not to read off the scripts anymore.

    " be one of my favorite post." posts not post

    "One thing I love is how, with podcast you can listen to it no matter where you are at." Awkward. Here is a rewritten sentence that says the same thing but is not awkward and does not violate any rules of grammar (such as ending a sentence with "are at"): One thing I love is that you can listen to a podcast anywhere.

    "Its a great way to study and always have it fresh on a child mine." It's not Its. In this case you are contracting It is and to do that you use an apostrophe instead of separating the word with a period and using an i to start the second word. I think you mean mind not mine. Even then the sentence is awkward. How can you rewrite it?

    "I think that podcasts has the ability help the way students learn." have not has; to help not help.

    Your content is OK but you need help with your writing. You could go to the Writing Lab or I could ask Richard Howell to work with you. Which do you prefer? You must do one or the other.

  2. Hi Shanee,
    I wish you could've put some links in your blog for a reader to click on and read. I understood your opinions in your blog but I have to say I saw some grammatical errors such as, "I really like how she shared their accomplishments with the world, because not only is she being recognize for a job well done but her students are as well." Recognize should be [recognized] because you are speaking in past tense. The others I found were the same ones Dr. Strange already notified you of. Also, your pictures did not have the ALT and title modifiers. If you'd like for me to help you with anything just shoot me an email. Don't worry too much you're capable of fixing everything, just take a little more time when writing.
